Law Offices of Dan A. Atkerson Tags

Employment Law and Social Media

In regards to social media, where does an employee’s right to free speech begin and end? Our employment law attorney explains.

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Oct 09, 2017

Seeking Compensation for Unpaid Wages and Unpaid Small Breaks

For over 30 years, The Law Office of Dan A. Atkerson has helped clients seek adequate compensation for unpaid wages and unpaid small breaks.

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Sep 22, 2017

Employment Discrimination and Layoffs of Older Employees

Experienced attorney Dan A. Atkerson will fight to protect the rights of those dealing with cases of employment discrimination and layoffs of older employees.

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Sep 07, 2017

Wrongful Termination Cases Involving Overtime Claims

Although Texas is an at-will employment state, non-exempt employees cannot be fired for making legitimate, authorized overtime claims.

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Aug 21, 2017

When to Hire an Employment Attorney: Illegal Firing

Even in an at-will employment state such as Texas, some instances of firing are not legal. Find out when you need an employment attorney.

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Aug 07, 2017

What Does the New Bill SB4 Mean for Texas Employees?

A recent bill SB4 was approved by Texas lawmakers, and has created much controversy from Mexican…

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Jun 12, 2017

What Are My Rights as an Independent Contractor?

Should an attorney review your employment agreement?Independent contractors are workers that are not categorized as employees…

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Jun 07, 2017

Is a Liquidated Damages Clause Enforceable in an Employment Agreement?

Liquidated damages in employment agreementIs a liquidated damages clause of $500,000, entered against a person terminated under…

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Mar 13, 2017

Do Employers Have to Give Advanced Notice Before a Layoff?

Earlier this month, the Dallas News reported that AT&T would layoff around 54 employees at a call center…

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Feb 13, 2017

Can I be Fired for Something I Say in My Blog?

With blogging comes liability risks, and the larger your audience, the greater the risk. You can quickly be…

Posted by Dan Atkerson on Feb 08, 2017

Dan Atkerson

Law Offices of Dan A. Atkerson

Dan A. Atkerson has been protecting the rights of North Texas employees for over nearly four decades. He is affiliated with several prestigious legal organizations, including: 

  • The State Bar of Texas
  • The Dallas Bar Association
  • The United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit
  • Texas Supreme Court and all Texas trial and appellate courts
  • Texas federal courts for the Northern and Eastern Districts of Texas

Through aggressive, knowledgeable representation, he has helped clients all over the state reach significant verdicts and settlements. To schedule a consultation at our law firm, request an appointment online or call us at (214) 383-3606.

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